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  • John Digweed Live In Miami


約翰迪格威 - 邁阿密經典實況 John Digweed Live In Miami


★收錄Laurent Garnier、Safety Scissors、Harvey McKay經典作品

捕捉屬於John Digweed與獨立電舞場景最令人無法自拔的魔力

,即便在這個音樂價值與品味崩壞的年代,John Digweed手中饒富人文質感的電氣節拍以及待人談吐,卻始終保有一貫曖曖內含光的大師風範。超過20年的職業DJ生涯,John Digweed手中的音符早已超越音樂類型框架,散發著屬於他獨一無二的浪漫神采,裏頭不僅蘊含著我們對電子音樂黃金時代的依戀,更讓我們在混濁曖昧間聽見未來的無限可能,關於這點,相信追隨他多年的你我,想必了然於心。經歷柯巴多、斯洛維尼亞、倫敦、阿根廷之後,John Digweed的經典打碟錄音系列,前進其最鍾愛的舞廳之一:邁阿密The Vagabond,3CD近4小時的實況錄音,用Secret Knowledge〈Sugar Daddy〉、Nicole〈A Small Entrance To A Large Spectrum〉、Laurent Garnier〈Acid Eiffel〉等underground經典,以及Joy Wellboy〈Before The Sunrise(Dixon Remix)〉、August Jakobsen & Jacob Husley、〈Blue(Roman Flugel Remix)〉、Douglas Greed〈Summerless(Tuff City Kids Remix)〉等John Digweed近期傾心新作等37首橫跨超過20年曲目,構築起一座品味卓越、跨越時間與類型的夢幻堡壘




01.Bassel - Ambience A

02.Tim Green ft Hayley Hutchinson - Helpless Sun

03.August Jakobsen & Jacob Husley - Blue (Roman Flugel Remix) 04.Jozif - Standard Rising (Francesca Lombardo Remix)

05.Fur Coat - Together

06.Douglas Greed - Summerless (Tuff City Kids Remix)

07.Cesare vs. Disorder & Dave Vega - Mindless

08.Cesare vs. Disorder & Dave Vega - Worldwide

09.Safety Scissors - Gemini (Split Secs Remix)

10.Daniel Bortz ft. Nils Corssen - The Misery (Nu & Pauli vs. Acid Remix)

11. Psychemagik - Black Noir Schwarz (ft. Renegade) (Extended Play Remix)

12.TG - Rhythm Acupuncture (Martin Buttrich Remix)

13.Robert Babicz - Ange Solitaire (Lutzenkirchen Dub Mix)


01.Joy Wellboy - Before The Sunrise (Dixon Remix)

02.Daniel Bortz - Pictures (Tuff City Kids Remix)

03.Fur Coat - There's No Time

04.Hot Since 82 - Don't Touch The Alarm (Booka Shade Remix)

05.Ferreck Dawn - Mine

06.Nathan Cable - Get Up

07.Jamie Stevens - Tribe Of The Disco Kings (King Unique Remix)

08.Philip Bader - The Vibe

09.Lee Van Dowski & Dean Demanuel - Geroldstrasse 5

10.Harvey McKay - Phone Freaker

11.Harvey McKay - Welshy Arms (Gatzigristos' Celtic Relic)

12.Humano - Life


01.Defex & Frederico Grazzini - Syrens

02.Safety Scissors - Gemini (System Of Survival Remix)

03.August Jakobsen & Jacob Husley - Blue (Minilogue Remix)

04.Robert Dietz - Anger Management

05.Secret Knowledge - Sugar Daddy

06.Kaiserdisco - Devon (Just Be Remix)

07.Nicole - A Small Entrance To A Large Spectrum

08.Laurent Garnier - Acid Eiffel

09.Philip Bader - Back

10.Lee Van Dowski & Dean Demanuele ft. Cari Golden - Branding You Damned (ft. Cari Golden)

11.Radio Slave - My Bleep (Roman Flugel Remix)

12.Gregor Tresher & Petar Dundov - Flux



約翰迪格威 - 邁阿密經典實況 3CD

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